Conan O’Brien is so down-to-earth it’s hard to image anyone wanting to take his stuff. But Team Coco came to the set of Conan the other morning to find that several pieces of equipment they use to make the show had gone missing.
They discovered that someone had broken in and stolen the equipment. The robber made their way by 350 cardboard cutouts in the audience to get to a couple of laptops they use for Zoom interviews as well as the slate they use for scenes. The slate is likely the least inexpensive item on set, and a piece of equipment that you can purchase in any souvenir shop but the laptops were essential to getting their work done to put the show on the air.
O’Brien is taping his show from the historic Largo Theater in West Hollywood. O’Brien said he wanted to help revive the theatre and keep it going since theatres are having a difficult financial time during the coronavirus pandemic.
O’Brien was puzzled. No one breaks into the Tonight Show and takes all the equipment, he said to co-host Andy Richter. This would never happen to Kimmel or Fallon or any of the other talkshow hosts or any other big time late night shows. “What happened to us?” he asked.
He then compared the Conan show to a garage band that parked their van in an alley and was cleaned out while they were sleeping.
They got a good five-minute gag out the situation and then vowed to find the burglar.