University Reacts to Violent Threats to Women on Campus

Hate-fuelled sentiments toward  Women and Gender Studies and Sociology students at the University of Toronto (U of T) drew swift reaction from the university on Tuesday. A statement in the comment section of a Toronto Sun article about recent lethal threats to students said: “the only good feminist is a dead feminist.” The university called the comments “deeply distressing and deplorable” and asked that all threats be brought to the attention of the police.

Monday's protest began outside the Sociology building at 725 Spadina Ave. and ended at the Women and Gender Studies building outside New College. Photo by Cherryl Bird
Ellie Adekur speaks to the crowd of protesters moving down Willcocks St. near Spadina Avenue.
Photo by Cherryl Bird

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An Interview with Zac Holtzman–Part I

On the Road with Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever embarked on a 12-day, 14-gig, 10-city tour about a week after the U.S. and international release of their latest album The Deepest Lake. Zac Holtzman, the band’s bearded guitarist/vocalist, talked to Core Magazines about their adventures on the road, how they ended up together and some memorable moments they’ve shared.

Continue reading An Interview with Zac Holtzman–Part I

I Love You

The frequent appearance of hearts in his photographs may be interpreted as some kind of sign – a pending miracle, an awakening, a message from the universe – or just one great, big coincidence. Whatever the reason, artist Stephen Hues accepts that hearts just always seem to appear to him or he is drawn to objects that contain them.

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Geo-diverse, Hyper-local Expression

Core Magazines

Geo-diverse, Hyper-local Expression

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