Accessibility symbols

Four accessibility symbols: top left, a figure seated in a wheelchair; top right, the side profile of a head with the outline of the brain; bottom left, two hands with pointing fingers and thumbs forming Os on each hand; and bottom right, a figure of a person walking with a cane extended in their right hand

Accessibility guidelines symbols, photo: Jerzy Grynczewski [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], cropped

Accessibility guidelines symbols, photo: Jerzy Grynczewski [CC BY-SA 3.0.

This image represents physical, learning/developmental, hearing and visual impairments. It is being used with permission according to its creative licensing instructions on Wikipedia.

2 thoughts on “Accessibility symbols”

    1. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I personally updated the image to allow more descriptive information to appear in a few places when you hover over it or click on it. This is helpful for people who use technology to read or those with visual impairments.

      Much appreciated,


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