Naked bikers ride through Toronto streets

Naked bike ride through downtown Toronto

A group of nude cyclists rode through the streets today. Wait, that’s not entirely true – some wore body paint, some helmets. Others wore bikinis or just colourful rainbow capes as they made their way north on Augusta Ave. through Toronto’s Kensington Market.

Naked bike ride in Toronto. Photo: Cherryl Bird

It was a pleasant surprise, looking up from my Margarita Rosa on a sunny afternoon to see bodies, exposed, rolling through the crowded streets. Tushes and thighs of all shapes and sizes gliding on an electric unicycle scooter, rollerblades or regular two-wheel bicycles, while people waited on either side of the street to continue on their journey.

They were on a mission to celebrate cycling and the human body, but also to promote the vulnerability of people on bikes, as much as the impact of car culture on the environment.

World Naked Bike Ride is an annual clothing optional event that takes place in over 120 cities around the world to bring attention to safety issues for cyclists and environmental issues that arise from our reliance on motor vehicles.

Naked Bike Ride | Video: Cherryl Bird |

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