Haitian Konpa band Carimi to reunite for one night

For loyal fans of the band Carimi, the recent announcement that they’ll be reuniting is a dream come true and a rare chance to see their beloved band one last time.

After a six-year hiatus, Carimi — Carlo Vieux, Richard Cave and Mickael Guirand – and other members of the Konpa band announced last week a One-Night-Only Reunion Tour in Paris on October 15, 2022.

Carimi say they’re putting aside their differences to work together toward a common goal, adding that they’re eager to continue the love affair they have with their fans. 

“At the end of the day, we are brothers … We put aside all personal issues,” said singer Richard Cave.

Members of the group went their separate ways in 2016 in order to pursue their own careers.

Carimi achieved fame on the level of other popular boy bands like U.S. groups B2K and  New Edition, U.K. band 5IVE or Panama’s Menudo, but in the Kreyol konpa (Creole compas) and zouk music scenes. 

Konpa music is popular in Haiti, the French Antilles, Dominica, Cape Verde, Portugal and in Martinique and Guadeloupe where it is known as zouk. Off-shoots of the Haitian compas sound have made their way around the world and found homes in places like Brazil. 

Carimi has one of the largest fan bases in the Konpa industry, intersecting generations in places where people speak Creole or French. Some music fans enjoy the music without understanding the lyrics. The bands’ followers are in their 20s and up and they all seem like they can’t get enough of Carimi’s music. Their sound is a mix of different genres from méringue to zouk, salsa, calypso, and reggae. 

They’ve sold over a million albums worldwide and won numerous awards, including Best Compas/Racine entertainer in 2008 at the International Reggae and World Music Awards, and Song of the Year at the 2010 Konpa Magazine Award. They’ve toured the world and released five studio albums.

The band will likely play some of their most popular songs like Please baby and Fanm sa Move on the historic comeback show at the Accor Arena. 

Carimi – ‘Ayiti Bang Bang’ – Nuits d’Outre-Mer 3 – Live

by Cherryl Bird – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Twitter @ladycbird | Instagram @cherrylbird

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